Nmap is a useful WiFi hacking app used by ethical Hackers to find vulnerable networks and exploit them to their advantage. This WiFi hacker Apk. Apr 9, - Here Easy to Trick How To Get Free Wifi Without Password Using Wifi Hack App. Simple to Follow Tutotial and Install App for Android. so friends, To get complete information about all these apps, read this article from beginning to end. Note- This information is given to the Readers only for. We see that the most of Hacking & Security online courses are about using either Linux OS or WINDOWS/Mac OS, But This course is Different and also Unique of it's content compared to the others so this is about Basic Hacking & Security using your Android device, normally We may use our device only for texting, calls etc but what about thinking to protect your device, prevent your data to /5(71). Download and install the AndroDumper app on your Android phone. Turn on the Wi-Fi settings on your Android device. Launch the AndroDumper app and click on the refresh button present at the top of the screen to search and get nearby Wi-Fi networks. Choose .